
Volunteer Program

The Adopt-A-Spot Program is a simple and effective way for our community's residents, organizations, and businesses to get involved in improving our community. You can adopt parks, creeks, streets, trails, plazas, and storm drains, and assist with the painting of benches, walls, and buildings. To adopt a location, all you need to do is sign and submit a request form, committing to the program requirements. Once approved by our staff, your commitment is a testament to your empowerment and dedication to our community.


  • Removing litter, Controlling weeds, Spreading mulch, and Painting

  • Provide cleanup supplies - gloves, trash bags, pick up tools, first aid kit

    Safety instructions and program guidelines

    Recognition of you and your team's commitment on the City's website and for team's with proven dedication, an Adopt-a-Spot courtesy sign

    Yard sign for individuals/families who adopt the storm drain in front of their house

    Pickup/removal of trash, weeds, etc. collected by you

  • Business or organization - 2 year commitment

    Individuals or families - one time project or longer commitment as desired

    Adopted spot must be cleaned 6 times per year

    Notify City 1 week prior to clean up event to coordinate resources and pickup services

    Signed volunteer release form for every participant in your team

  • Notify the City prior to the event

    Complete a volunteer release form for each person

    Make arrangements to get supplies to perform the work such as gloves and bags

  • Schedule pick up of any debris and borrowed supplies returned

    Report the number of volunteers and the length of time volunteers spent on the project

    Provide volunteer information to be recognized on the City’s website

Click on the image above to review current adopted locations or apply for your own location.


Below are links to learn more about the Adopt-A-Spot Program as well as the application form and required volunteer release forms. For more information, please class (925) 252-4129.