How to Prevent Pollution
Here are things you can do at home to help prevent stormwater pollution:
Reuse and recycle items and keep trash out of gutters and storm drains.
Properly recycle or dispose of Household Hazardous Waste. Our City has a partnership with Delta Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, where residents can drop off items at no charge. Visit Delta Diablo’s website for specific information.
Use less-toxic products to control pests in your yard and garden and to protect your pets. Compost your yard waste and keep it out of gutters and storm drains.
Report illegal dumping and spills to gutters and storm drains by calling 925-252-4963.
Consider participating in the Adopt-A-Spot Volunteer Program.
Did you know?
Plastic is not biodegradable and very little of it (less than 4%) is recycled. Due to it being durable and lightweight, plastic debris travels over vast distances and accumulates on beaches and in the ocean. The majority of marine debris is plastic. In the Central North Pacific Gyre, pieces of plastic outweigh surface zooplankton by a factor of 6 to 1. Fish and seabirds mistake plastic for food. Plastic debris release chemical additives and plasticizer into the ocean.