Clean Water Policies
Important regulations have been created to keep our waters clean and our communities safe.
Surface Water Protection Regulations
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) implemented restrictions that strictly limit the amount of pesticides that can be applied outdoors, especially to concrete and other hard surfaces. This regulation applies to 17 different pyrethroid insecticides applied by commercial businesses. These products are prohibited from application during rain or in standing water conditions, as well as, over drains and in natural drainage areas. Click here to read more about this at the DPR website.
Irrigation Practices - Pittsburg Municipal Code (PMC)
Excessive Irrigation can contribute to pesticides flowing into the storm drains, creek, bay and delta. The City’s municipal code, PMC Section 18.84.31, water- efficient landscape ordinance, has been updated to reflect Assembly Bill 1881 and in accordance with the State Department of Water Resources’ model water efficient landscape ordinance which is intended to ensure conservation of water in irrigated landscaped areas. The ordinance outlines the current standards and requirements for projects creating or rehabilitating landscaping.
Runoff- A Non-Stormwater illicit discharge
Runoff that occurs due to excessive irrigation is considered to be non-stormwater illicit discharge and is a violation of PMC 13.28.060, Prohibited Discharges. Any persons found to be in violation will be issued a notice of correction and will be subject to fines if corrections are not made. Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for landscape maintenance and efficient irrigation practices are to be used. Runoff can be mitigated by reducing irrigation run time and/or adjustments to spray heads to prevent overspray.