Sustainability Overview
Pittsburg Sustainability Overview
The State’s Climate Adaption Strategy outlines many of the changes the State expects in our region based on recent and projected changes in temperature, precipitation, and sea levels. Locally in Pittsburg, the effects may include:
Drought and water shortages
Flooding of shorelines
Extreme heat events and related illnesses
Worsening local air quality and related respiratory illnesses
Loss of natural habitat
Increase in disease-carrying insects
With these potential impacts in mind, and in concert with the City’s General Plan Update (Envision Pittsburg), the City is developing its Sustainability Plan. The Sustainability Plan (known in other Cities as a Climate Action Plan) began with an updated Greenhouse Gas Inventory and is currently in development. To be successful, comprehensive, and inclusive, community engagement and participation is paramount! Please follow the Envision Pittsburg webpage for project contacts, public meeting, and upcoming community workshops to share your point of view and shape the future of Pittsburg.
For more information about the Pittsburg’s Sustainability Plan, call (925) 252-4114.
Adopted Sustainability Plan
You can find the City’s 2023 Adopted Sustainability Plan here.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory
In 2019, the City completed an inventory of Pittsburg’s greenhouse gas emissions (the gases that contribute to climate change). This inventory will help develop strategies for reducing our emissions by targeting the largest sources. Click here to access the report.
Don’t Wait - Take Action!
Click the links below to find helpful resources on how to take action in different areas of your life.
Green Jobs are Growing!
According to the California Employment Development Department, there are many opportunities in Green in the Bay Area. Download this page of links to resources: Green Jobs in the Bay Area.