Water Wise Landscaping


Landscaping accounts for up to half of a household’s water use. Update your landscape and irrigation for major savings.

NEW! Contra Costa Water District’s Gardening in Contra Costa County web-based tool has:

  • More than 1,500 plants with photos of plants and gardens.

  • Virtual tours of successful gardens.

  • Allows you to store a list of your selected plants to help you prepare your garden design.

  • Watering tips and garden resources.

This is a helpful resource for homeowners and businesses to find plants and get gardening ideas.

H2OUSE Landscaping:

  • Be water-wise with your landscaping

  • Picture gallery for water-wise plants

  • Helpful tips for landscaping and irrigation

ReScape Landscaping

  • Learn the best practices for keeping the Bay healthy when you landscape.

The City of Pittsburg has copies of the Bay-Friendly Gardening guide, for free distribution to residents. Call (925) 252-4850 to request a copy.

Irrigation Tutorials: Take an irrigation tutorial at IrrigationTutorials.com.

Irrigation Association: Learn how to hire an irrigation specialist.

Did you know? Watering your lawn in the early morning or in the evening reduces water wasted to evaporation. Up to 60% can evaporate.

The Importance of
Native Plants

 Native plants have evolved to be the most efficient and beneficial       plants for our area. They are the best suited species for interacting with the local climate, soil types, and animals. There are many benefits to gardening with native plants such as less water usage, lower maintenance, natural pesticide defense, and native wildlife attraction.   Native plants can also be just as beautiful as invasive species.

Some invasive species look pretty, but if they escape from your garden they may become serious wildland weeds that can cause extensive damage to our natural ecology and biodiversity. How does this occur? While our native species evolved, different pests and animals evolved with them to help cultivate and control their populations. Non-native species on the other hand have left their natural counterparts behind and are free to spread and take over massive quantities of land. These new plants can choke out our beautiful natives by stealing resources and changing the composition of the soil. 

Dangers of Non-Native & Invasive Species

How do I know what to plant?

Professional Landscaping Best Practices

Why use Pittsburg Friendly Plants?

Native landscapes are not only healthy, beautiful, and vibrant, they adapt to climate change, save water and support wildlife. Natives use Integrated pest management (IPM) which minimizes chemical use, and it reduces stormwater runoff.

Benefits of Native Landscaping

Landscaping in harmony with our natural conditions and watershed will reduce waste and recycling materials. It nurtures healthy soils and reduces fertilizer use and it helps create a wildlife habitat.


Native landscapes conserve water, energy and topsoil. It cost less to water and maintain than a non-native garden, giving your clients a huge savings in time and money.

Plant Selection

  • Choose plants that can grow to their native size in the space allotted

  • Avoid shearing brushes - use native shrubs that will grow to the desired size

  • Do not plant non-native and/or invasive species (Click here for what NOT to plant)

  • Plant a wide variety of native species

  • Choose plants that attract beneficial bugs

Stormwater Best Practices

  • Do not blow leaves and grass into the gutters on the street

  • Create landscapes that will not require pesticides as part of its maintenance

  • If pesticides are required, use only approved, low/non-toxic products and apply only as directed

Become Qualified

StopWaste.org has Bay-Friendly Landscape Training and Qualification Programs for designing new landscapes and maintain existing ones. Completion of the training program will gain you the certification of a Bay-Friendly Qualified Landscape Professional. To learn more about the certification program, training courses, or to sign up visit: Upcoming ReScape Training Events

Native Landscaping Resources

  • Calscape

    Calscape makes it easier to find and grow beautiful native plant gardens. Find plants, design and inspiration, nurseries and how to care for gardens.

  • Gardening in Contra Costa County

    With Gardening in Contra Costa County, you can explore beautiful sustainable, climate-appropriate, and drought tolerant plants, trees and grass that thrive in Contra Costa County.

  • Calflora

    With Calflora, learn about plants that grow wild in California (both native and weeds) ad also find out about plants by using the name wizard.

  • Cal IPC

    Cal IPC works to stop the spread of invasive plant across California. Learn which plants NOT to plant by visiting their site.


All residents and businesses are requested to participate in our joint effort to conserve water.

Water Conservation Resources

California Department of Water Resources offers water conservation links for residential, commercial, and landscaping water use.

Luckily, there are many resources that can help us make smart and easy water-saving adjustments. Click on one of the icons below to explore some water-saving ideas.

Contra Costa Water District offers:

  • Free from and business water audits

  • Rebates on lawn-to-landscape conversions and irrigation timers

  • Free water-saving devices

H2OUSE.org | Take a virtual tour of a water-smart home.

Bay Area Water & Conservation Website:

Find Leaks

You know you have a leak when your faucet drops, but do you know to find a hidden leak? If you suspect you have a phantom water waster on your property, follow these tips to find the culprit.

Click here to learn how to find and fix leaks in and around your home.

Did you know? Finding and fixing leaks can save homeowners more than 10% on water bills and as much as 11,000 gallons of water wasted per year?

Recycled Water